Instructors: Ann Marie & Ed Mayuga, AMM Communications

Duration: 4 weeks (1 month)

Platform: Online Zoom

Target Audience: Executives in career transition and recently laid-off people interested in entrepreneurship

Course Goal: To equip participants with the knowledge, skills, and resources to leverage their work experience and launch their own successful consulting businesses.

Course Structure:

Week 1: Foundations of Entrepreneurship:

  • Mindset Shift: Transitioning from corporate employee to entrepreneur, embracing flexibility and risk-taking.
  • Identifying Your Business Niche: Utilizing career skills and experience to find a profitable consulting niche.
  • Market Research and Competitive Analysis: Understanding the competitive landscape, identifying customer needs, and validating your business idea.
  • Developing Your Value Proposition: Defining your unique selling points and crafting a compelling message for potential clients.

Week 2: Building Your Consulting Framework:

  • Business Model Canvas: Developing a visual roadmap for your consulting business, outlining customer segments, value propositions, channels, revenue streams, and key resources.
  • Financial Projections and Planning: Understanding and building financial models for revenue, expenses, and profitability.
  • Pricing Strategies: Setting competitive and profitable pricing for your consulting services.
  • Legal and Regulatory Considerations: Understanding key legal and regulatory requirements for starting and operating a consulting business.

Week 3: Mastering Client Acquisition and Management:

  • Networking and Relationship Building: Leveraging your career network and building new connections to attract potential clients.
  • Sales and Marketing Techniques: Crafting effective sales presentations, proposals, and marketing materials.
  • Client Onboarding and Project Management: Setting expectations, managing client relationships, and delivering high-quality service.
  • Building a Repeatable Consulting Process: Streamlining your delivery process for efficiency and client satisfaction.

Week 4: Launching Your Consulting Firm:

  • Branding and Messaging: Designing a professional brand identity and crafting consistent messaging for your business.
  • Building Your Online Presence: Creating a professional website and establishing your presence on relevant online platforms.
  • Operational Essentials: Setting up systems for accounting, legal compliance, and project management.
  • Launch Plan and Action Steps: Developing a concrete plan for launching your consulting business and setting actionable milestones for success.

Bonus Materials:

  • Access to Ann Marie & Ed’s exclusive “Consulting Toolkit” with templates, resources, and case studies.
  • Mock client engagements and role-playing exercises for practical application of skills.
  • Ongoing mentorship and support from Ann Marie & Ed after the course ends.

Additional Notes:

  • The course will be interactive and engaging, with a mix of presentations, discussions, group work, and guest speakers from the consulting industry.
  • Participants will receive personalized feedback and guidance throughout the course.
  • The course can be customized to cater to the specific needs and interests of the entrepreneurship and consulting group, with the goal of creating a Slack and/or Discord community.

By sharing their personal story and drawing on their 16 years of experience at AMM Communications, Ann Marie & Ed can provide invaluable guidance and inspiration to you on your entrepreneurial journey. This structured and practical course will equip you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality.