Instructor: Ed Mayuga, AMM Communications

Duration: 4 weeks (1 month)

Platform: Online Zoom

Target Audience: Executives in career transition and recently laid-off job seekers

Course Goal: To equip participants with the skills and tools to successfully leverage LinkedIn and their resumes for career transition in the sustainability field.

Course Structure:

Week 1: Finding Your Sustainable North Star:

  • Intro & Welcome: Meet Ed and the group, share experiences, and set individual course goals.
  • The Sustainability Landscape: Understanding the scope and trends of the sustainability field, identifying niche opportunities.
  • Personal Branding for Sustainability: Defining your unique value proposition and aligning it with sustainability goals.
  • Building Your Sustainable LinkedIn Profile: Optimizing profile for keywords, crafting a compelling summary, showcasing relevant skills and experience.

Week 2: LinkedIn Mastery for Job Seekers:

  • Networking Strategies: Expanding your network for hidden opportunities, connecting with recruiters and sustainability professionals.
  • Engaging Content Creation: Sharing valuable content on LinkedIn to establish expertise and attract attention.
  • Advanced Profile Tactics: Utilizing LinkedIn features like recommendations, endorsements, and groups to stand out.
  • Job-Specific Strategies: Tailoring your LinkedIn profile and approach for specific sustainability positions.

Week 3: Resume Reinvention for Sustainable Impact:

  • Resumes that Resonate: Understanding recruiter expectations and designing impactful resumes for online applications.
  • Multiple Versions for Multiple Opportunities: Creating targeted resumes for different sustainability roles and industries.
  • Keywords & Quantifiable Accomplishments: Optimizing resumes with relevant keywords and highlighting quantifiable achievements for maximum impact.
  • Cover Letter Craft: Writing compelling cover letters that showcase your value and land interviews.

Week 4: Interviewing with Confidence:

  • Mock Interview Workshop: Practicing interview skills in a supportive environment with personalized feedback from Ed.
  • Sustainability Interview Q&A: Preparing for common and challenging interview questions specific to sustainability careers.
  • Negotiation Strategies: Learning to confidently negotiate salary and benefits in your new position.
  • The Path Forward: Action plan development for continued networking, job search, and career progression in sustainability.

Bonus Materials:

  • Access to Ed’s exclusive “Job Search Toolkit” with templates, resources, and guides.
  • Networking opportunities with guest speakers from the sustainability field.
  • Post-course mentorship and check-ins from Ed.

Additional Notes:

  • The course will be interactive and engaging, with a mix of presentations, discussions, activities, and group work.
  • Participants will receive personalized feedback and guidance throughout the course.
  • The course can be customized to cater to the specific needs and interests of the career transitions group, with the goal of creating a Slack and/or Discord community.