Instructor: Ed Mayuga, AMM Communications

Duration: 4 weeks (1 month)

Platform: Online Zoom

Target Audience: Executives in career transition and recently laid-off job seekers

Course Goal: To equip participants with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to excel in interviews and secure their next career opportunity.

Course Structure:

Week 1: Conquering Interview Anxiety:

  • Understanding and Managing Interview Nerves: Exploring common interview anxieties and developing effective coping mechanisms.
  • Building Self-Confidence: Identifying your strengths and accomplishments, reframing career transitions as positive opportunities.
  • Body Language and Effective Communication: Mastering non-verbal cues and projecting a confident presence.
  • The Power of Storytelling: Using storytelling techniques to engage interviewers and highlight your achievements.

Week 2: Mastering Interview Techniques:

  • Researching Your Interviewers and Target Companies: Understanding the interview landscape and tailoring your approach.
  • Decoding Common Interview Questions: Preparing insightful answers to behavioral, situational, and technical questions.
  • STAR Method for Effective Responses: Structuring your answers using the Situation, Task, Action, Result (STAR) method.
  • Handling Tough Questions and Curveballs: Staying calm and composed under pressure, turning negatives into positives.

Week 3: Resume Optimization and Networking Strategies:

  • Resumes for Online Applications: Tailoring your resume for different platforms and industries using relevant keywords.
  • Cover Letter Craft: Writing compelling cover letters that grab attention and land interviews.
  • Expanding Your Network: Leveraging your career connections and building new relationships for job leads.
  • Using LinkedIn Effectively: Optimizing your LinkedIn profile and utilizing networking features to connect with hiring managers.

Week 4: Mock Interviews and Career Navigation:

  • Individual Mock Interviews: Conducting personalized mock interviews with Ed, receiving detailed feedback and coaching.
  • Panel Interview Simulation: Practicing with a panel of experts, simulating real-world interview scenarios.
  • Negotiation Strategies: Learning to confidently negotiate salary and benefits in your new position.
  • **Post-Interview ** Writing effective thank-you notes and staying in touch with potential employers.
  • Career Action Plan: Setting realistic goals and developing a roadmap for continued job search success.

Bonus Materials:

  • Access to Ed’s exclusive “Interview Toolbox” with templates, resources, and practice questions.
  • Career development guides and industry-specific job search tips.
  • Ongoing support and access to Ed after the course ends.

Additional Notes:

  • The course will be interactive and supportive, with a mix of presentations, discussions, activities, and role-playing exercises.
  • Participants will receive personalized feedback and guidance throughout the course.
  • The course can be customized to cater to the specific needs and interests of the career transitions group, with the goal of creating a Slack and/or Discord community.