Traditional PR firms have been under pressure to change their methods of communicating with the general public on behalf of their clients. When social media leapt onto the scene 6 years ago, it seemed as though traditional PR firms were split into two camps: one that thought that social media was just a fad, and the other who thought that by merely setting up accounts for the clients, that would be sufficient in generating a following and rabid fans. Very few would see the interconnection between the various social media channels. However, the intervening years have demonstrated that it is not sufficient to write off social media as a secondary channel and delegating and trusting your reputation management to a junior person. In fact, the importance of social media for PR professionals has taken on a broader scope in the aspect of Content Marketing.

Content marketing is the new wave of communications because it incorporates all three methods of communication: traditional (written, on-air interviews etc), social media, and the new concept of media curation. What we find at AMM Communications is that client media placements not only show up in the printed publication, but more often than not, it is also posted online on the news outlets web page. This makes the article ripe for presenting and curating into a content marketing channel, further promoting a clients brand.

As I have written about extensively lately, AMM Communications uses SlideBatch to curate information for our clients. The beauty of this batch system is that it creates one container of content for our clients that they and we can share as a single URL with the public. Plus, the “Save to SlideBatch” button for Google Chrome, makes it easy to curate information on the fly. This cutting edge use of technology is what sets AMM Communications apart from other firms.

While it is easy to put together the tactics for a social media or even content marketing, developing the overall strategy requires a high-level of thinking and meeting facilitation, which is where Ann Marie and I excel. We can present a point-of-view as a third party outside of our client’s companies, and can provide insight as to how content will be perceived by the typical consumer. The reason that we can offer this level of service is because of our extensive experience in Fortune 500 companies as well as the years we have spent as entrepreneurs. So, if you are looking for partner-level public relations and digital marketing strategy firm, AMM Communications is the best choice for a PR firm to work on your marketing strategy.

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